Install Softaculous on a WHM Dedicated Server

img Hunter Day

Mar 28, 2019


Software 6

This guide will show you how to install Softaculous on a WHM dedicated server.

Before the Installation

Installing Softaculous

Enable ionCube Loaders

  • In WHM (as root user), navigate to Server Configuration -> Tweak Settings -> PHP
  • Enable the loader by placing a check in the box next to "ioncube"
  • Click 'Save'

Once you have enabled the ionCube Loaders, SSH into your server and enter the following commands: :

wget -N
chmod 755

Now visit your WHM web interface.

Navigate to Plugins -> Softaculous -- Instant Installs.

If the installation was successful, you will see the home screen of Softaculous displaying the Software Info

Installing with Proxy Settings

If you need to install Softaculous using proxy settings then you can pass the parameters using the command below: :

wget -N
chmod 755
./ proxy proxy_ip=YOUR_IP:PORT proxy_auth=USERNAME:PASSWORD

Proxy Parameters:

  • proxy_ip : Enter your Proxy server's IP and port
  • proxy_auth : Enter the proxy server's authentication details (Username and Password)