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Aug 18, 2014
Since 2007, Dallas, Texas-based Limestone Networks (LSN) has been providing network solutions to many satisfied clients. They stand behind their motto of “Simple, Solid, Superior,” and it is evident in everything they do, from dedicated hosting to cloud hosting, from providing developer tools to their outstanding customer service. They work with businesses that are both large and small, both tech savvy and not, and are devoted to the success of all of their clients.
When choosing a network provider, especially one that provides IaaS, businesses have a choice of many companies who can serve their needs. However, LSN stands out among all of their competitors for two main reasons: their highly secure data center and their incredibly reliable network.
LSN’s Data Center: Like a Fortress
Security is a huge concern when you’re entrusting a network provider with your data. Your data simply cannot be at risk; your network integrity cannot be compromised. LSN understands this, which is why it is unlikely that you will find a network and hosting company that takes security more seriously. The network itself needs to be secure to protect against outside attacks, of course, but an equally important part of a network’s security is the location of its main data center. You’ll find LSN’s data center in downtown Dallas located in the former Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Think of the amount of security measures in place in a typical bank building, and you’ll have some idea of the security of LSN’s equipment. In fact, it’s the most secure data center in the central region of the country. The well-protected and practically fortress-like integrity of LSN’s headquarters means that servers won’t fall victim to any exterior threats.
For example, power outages are no concern at all to LSN and their network. Since LSN’s data center is on a protected power grid - the same one that Dallas 911 and local hospitals depend on - their clients’ cloud and/or dedicated servers are always available. What makes this power grid so resistant to failure is that it draws power from four different substations. The only way that LSN’s networks will go down is in the highly unlikely event that all four substations are rendered powerless at once.
Other features of LSN’s data center that enhance its security and dependability include multiple water feeds and an 80,000 gallon water reserve, plus SAS-70 Type II and SSAE-16 certifications. For further information about LSN’s highly secure data center, including its exact location, visit
LSN’s Network: Reliable and Affordable
Businesses who choose an IaaS provider need reliable and continual access to their hosted solutions. Clients who use LSN’s services don’t have to worry about their data being inaccessible. Their fully redundant set-up ensures network stability. Plus, their infrastructure provides both a public and a private network for clients: the public for connecting to the internet (on fast Tier 1 carriers), and the private, back-end network for individual clients’ own traffic among servers. For full data security, LSN offers free basic DDoS protection, with an upgrade option available.
It goes without saying that their network is fast. Top speeds are essential in today’s competitive marketplace and LSN’s are among the fastest. Customers are welcome to perform a speed test at any time to check how quickly their data is loading. They offer lots of bandwidth too: 10TB of free outbound and free, unmetered inbound.
While LSN stands behind the reliability of their networks, they understand that issues may arise from time to time. That is why they are so passionate about the excellent, personal and attentive customer service that they offer. Clients can call any time or use the live chat function on LSN’s website to quickly connect with a representative. LSN strives for an incredibly fast ticket response time of ten minutes or shorter. This means that client issues are addressed promptly, before they turn into big headaches. And, because LSN is fully committed to providing the best service to its clients, all customer concerns are solved fully before a ticket is closed.
Want to know more about the features of LSN’s simple, solid, and superior network? Visit their site at