Apr 17, 2009

Automatic OS Reloads

Limestone Networks is proud to announce a new feature, available to all new and current clients, which enables clients to reload their operating system through our control panel automatically with little to no interaction with our support department required!

Here are some of the perks:
- Since these OS Reloads are mostly automated, they do not count against your monthly OS reload limit
- You may freely switch between available Linux operating systems
- You may reload every 6 hours if desired
- You may choose to do custom partitioning
- Control Panels such as cPanel and HyperVM/OpenVZ will automatically reload if chosen
- You can monitor the OS Reload screen for step-by-step progress updates
- Assisted OS Reloads are still available via tickets for Windows or complex OS reloads

We're still working on automating Windows reloads to the point that our clients can do them from within our control panel. We anticipate this functionality to be available soon!

Here are the steps to start an automated reload:

1) Log in to Limestone's control panel
2) Click the"Servers" tab
3) Click "OS Reload" under the server you'd like to reload
4) Follow the additional on-screen instructions

We hope that you enjoy this new addition to our control panel! Please feel free to open a ticket with any feedback you would like to share about this new feature!