Mar 28, 2019
To use the Auto Update function with our AutoInstall SSL™ plugin, first you need to setup a cron job using the Command prompt (we recommended running the cronjob weekly).
How do I Add/Edit the Crontab?
To add or update the cronjob in the crontab, use the below command. It will open the crontab file in editor where the cronjob can be added/updated. :
crontab –e
* * * * * php -q /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/$theme/
MAILTO: the cron job email will be sent to this email address. Replace with your email. \$theme: Please replace \$theme with the theme name that you are using. It can be x3 or paper_lantern.
*****: Please replace asterisk with Minute (0-59) / Hour (0-23) / Day of Month (1-31) / Month of Year (1-12) / Day of Week (0-7) 0,7 are Sunday.
Success and error messages (you will receive messages on the specified email address as listed below):
requires the ionCube PHP Loader to be
installed by the website operator. If you are the website operator
please use the ionCube Loader
Wizard to assist with installation.\"